Sometimes, everything seems fallen into their right place in our life. Sometimes that same everything turns into a disaster. Naturally it’s a turmoil situation which needs to be cleared. So we try again, sometimes we win but sometimes we fail. That is when those voices in our head started to demoralise us. Yes, that’s why we start with loss ourselves. There can be many reasons, a heartbreak, professional or academic failure, and social disapproval, couldn’t meet up with expectations of elders or of our own, couldn’t catch up with the desired goals, so many of them. But there is only one way to get over and bounce back on the track and that is our self-love.
We forgive persons we love even if they have done so many mistakes, right? Then why not to forgive ourselves for the same reason.
As Carrie Bradshaw has rightly echoed: “The most exciting challenging and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself….” So what we can do to accept ourselves unconditionally and then eventually fall in love? Answers must be in you somewhere you yourself need to find out, but there are some guidelines which we can follow to establish a life-long relationship with that ME inside of us.
- Don’t ridicule yourself in your head, don’t judge your past actions what is done it’s done after all, you don’t need to forget it, you need to take necessary life lessons from it, you need to forgive yourself. Stop criticising and start challenging you.
Self-acceptation comes after you stop criticising yourself. - Start doing whatever makes you happy, grab your favourite hobby what you abandoned a long ago, or do the work you love the most.
- Pamper yourself, as there is a little child in every one of us, who needs to be pampered whenever it feels blue. Visit a spa or get a new haircut, if you are a big foody, give yourself some treat of your favourite foods but don’t over eat.
Give yourself some hugs and kisses and lots of pamper. - Write your pent up emotions and feelings through poems, journals, write whatever is in your mind.
- Think good things about yourself, give yourself some compliments, and think about your achievements instead of failures. You are a good dancer, right? Or you can really do some wonders with your paint brushes and canvas, or maybe you are a born guitarist.
By self-appreciation, we can gradually take the lead of our own life. - Learn something new, if you don’t know how to drive, take a driving lesson, or visit classes to learn foreign languages or may be salsa.
- Accept your faults, maybe you are a big liar or a big cheat. But whatever you are, see the other side; there are good things in you too. Think about them.
- Buy gifts for your family, get some family time or time with close friends or relatives, who actually loves you no matter what. Buy gift for them, see them smiling gives you the best feeling ever.
Give gifts your persons who are close to you and their smile will give you a positive vibe about yourself. - Get a good collection of animation films, yes, animation films, they give you important life strategies in a simple format to consume, and who doesn’t love to watch cute faces… if you are not actually into animation or cartoon films make a collection of good movies, and watch them whenever you get free time.
- Start an exercise routine, may be a morning walk in every morning, a light exercise will light up your mood.
By investing some time in a regular exercise habit, you will feel more energetic and more confident. - Spend less time on social networking and see the outer world, spend some time with your friends, if you are an introvert person or don’t have so many friends then spend some time along, visit any nearby destination, or go for a long drive.
- You can start some voluntary work. As when you do something for others without any self-interest, the smile on their face actually boosts your self-confidence and self-motivation inside you.
By doing some voluntary work for our society, you not only helping others but also earning self-love for yourself. - Get a pet; the livelier it is, the more love it will transfer to you. After a tiring day, you will come home to see a cute face full of love and positivity.
By adopting a pet, you will be able to embrace yourself more. As a pet makes you feel worthy, and important. - Spend some long hours under the shower
- Spend some more money for clothes, or for that red pair of stilettos or that bohemian clutch, don’t over spend but it’s ok to give yourself some gift occasionally.
Go for shopping and buy positive attitude towards life. - Make plans for your goals and act accordingly, and at the end of the day think how the day was, how much productive it was, self-evaluate your work, if you think you can do better, try to achieve that on the very next day
- Start every day with positive thoughts in your mind, like, Ok Today I will do it…Yea I can do it…I will be the best version of mine today.
- Start every day with proper planning and try to stick to that plan
- Give yourself some reasonable goal to chase, motivate and encourage yourself
Think about your past achievements and you can make the way to achieve some more. - And to achieve the goal plan step by step, take a single step at a time. And praise yourself for achieving every single step.
And here you are gaining pace gradually but a rest is on you now…but always try to remember words from Steve Maraboli: “The most powerful relationship you will ever have is the relationship with yourself.”